You And Your Fight For Justice Come First

Month: February 2022

Should you be tough or accommodating in a divorce?

You might have heard stories of people whose spouses walked all over them in a divorce. You may also have heard tales of bitter divorces that cost huge amounts of time and money because both spouses dug their heels in and refused to budge. You need to aim somewhere in...

Can you get a DUI without drinking?

You've always wanted to avoid getting a DUI, and it's been fairly easy for you. You usually only drink when you're at your house, and you set up drivers to get you home on the rare occasions when you drink somewhere else. For instance, maybe you use a ride-sharing...

What will your divorce mean for your retirement plans?

Divorce is a disruptive process. It doesn't just end your marriage. It also destabilizes your relationships with many other people, at least for a short while. Your emotions will be more volatile than usual, even if you chose to file and know you made the right...