You And Your Fight For Justice Come First

Month: May 2021

Should you worry about the 7-year itch?

If you’re married, you’ve probably heard of the seven-year itch -- that point in your marriage where you or your spouse may suddenly wonder what it would be like to reclaim your freedom and be single again. Is it really something to worry about? Is the seven-year itch...

3 warning signs that you face emotional abuse in your marriage

Physical abuse is obvious. There is pain and possibly lasting injuries to remind you of the abuser's actions. Emotional abuse can be hard for people to cope with in part because it can be so hard to recognize. You may have been in a marriage for years that you thought...

Why are so many couples getting “gray” divorces?

Overall, the national divorce rate is showing record declines -- except among senior citizens. So-called “gray” divorces have continued to accelerate, and the trend has a lot of folks wondering what’s going on. What makes a couple that’s approaching their twilight...